Let me start by wishing everyone a happy New Year and thank you for the support in the previous one.
I have a favour to ask. We have recently reached another great milestone on FB - 20000 fans and to celebrate that nice numbers we are running a small contest on FB.
The rules are very simple – all one need to do is become a DUO fan, share the image from our fan page and leave a comment. The contest shall run until 20th.
Since it`s very short span, I would appreciate if you could mention the contest with a small article as soon as possible.
Much appreciated.
Doncs això, companys:
que els de DUO estan contentíssims per haver reunit 20000 fans al FB, i ho volen celebrar amb un nou concurs fins el dia 20. Només us heu de fer fans, compartir la seva imatge i deixar un comentari.
Podeu guanyar un lot d'esquers DUO!
sort a tots!
Per part meva, dir-vos que aquest mes podeu trobar Pesca d'Illes i Pesca a Bordo als vostres quioscos, on un servidor ha escrit un parell d'articles que valen la pena. Espero que us agradin!
a reveure!
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